The 19th SCESTCS Approves the EAC Regional Space Science and Technology Strategy.

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  • The East African Community (EAC) Regional Space Science and Technology Strategy has been approved for implementation.

During the 19th Meeting of the Sectoral Council on Education, Science and Technology, Culture and Sports (SCESTCS), the Council approved the East African Community (EAC) Regional Space Science and Technology Strategy for implementation. The meeting, which was held in Dar es Salaam, supports advancing space science and technology within East African nations.

The newly approved EAC Regional Space Strategy is designed to ensure the well-coordinated and effective utilisation of space science and technology for the growth and development of East Africa. It aims to promote an integrated EAC outer space programme that fosters an innovative and competitive Science, Technology, and Innovation (STI) sector.

The strategy focuses on enhancing access to space services and increasing the demand for these services through effective and efficient service delivery and industry coordination. This initiative is expected to be crucial in the region’s socio-economic development, positioning East Africa as a key player in the global space sector.

Furthermore, by implementing this strategy, the EAC seeks to leverage space technology to address regional challenges and drive sustainable development, making significant strides towards a more integrated and technologically advanced East Africa.


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