Ghana Space News

Gravity and dark matter, a bond beyond distances

Isaac Newton formulated his theory of gravity as an action at a distance: a planet instantly feels the influence of another celestial body, no matter the distance between them. This characteristic motivated Albert Einstein to develop the famous theory of general relativity, where gravity becomes a...

NASA to Provide Coverage for Launch of ESA ‘Dark Universe’ Mission

The Euclid mission will focus on illuminating dark matter and dark energy. The ESA (European Space Agency) and SpaceX are targeting no earlier than 11:11 a.m. EDT (8:11 a.m. PDT) Saturday, July 1, to launch the Euclid spacecraft. Euclid is an ESA mission with contributions from NASA that will shed...

Brightest Cosmic Explosion Ever Detected Had Other Unique Features

Observations by NASA’s NuSTAR X-ray telescope give astronomers new clues about the brightest and most energetic gamma-ray burst ever detected. When scientists detected the gamma-ray burst known as GRB 221009A on Oct. 9, 2022, they dubbed it the brightest of all time, or BOAT. Most gamma-ray bursts...

Stellar demolition derby births powerful gamma-ray burst

While searching for the origins of a powerful gamma-ray burst (GRB), an international team of astrophysicists may have stumbled upon a new way to destroy a star. Although most GRBs originate from exploding massive stars or neutron-star mergers, the researchers concluded that GRB 191019A instead came...

Astronomers explore the properties of ultra-diffuse galaxy UGC 9050-Dw1

Using the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) and Jansky Very Large Array (VLA), astronomers have investigated an ultra-diffuse galaxy known as UGC 9050-Dw1. Results of the study, published June 9 on the pre-print server arXiv, yield important insights into the properties of this galaxy. Ultra-diffuse...

New study predicts the masses of the largest supermassive black holes in the universe

Near the center of the Milky Way Galaxy sits an immense object that astronomers call Sagittarius A*. This “supermassive” black hole may have grown in tandem with our galaxy, and it’s not alone. Scientists suspect that similar behemoths lurk at the heart of almost all large galaxies...

NASA’s Chandra, Webb Telescopes Combine for Arresting Views

When multiple NASA telescopes observe the same cosmic region, the universe’s true colors are revealed. Four composite images deliver dazzling views from NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory and James Webb Space Telescope of two galaxies, a nebula, and a star cluster. Each image combines Chandra’s X-rays...

JPL Creates World’s Largest PDF Archive to Aid Malware Research

As part of DARPA’s SafeDocs program, JPL data scientists have amassed 8 million PDFs that can now be used for further study in order to make the internet more secure. NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory is well known for landing rovers on Mars, exploring the solar system with robotic probes, and...

Egypt to Build a Global Monitoring Station for Tracking Satellites and Space Debris

According to the head of the Space Research Laboratory at the Egyptian National Research Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics (NRIAG), Prof. Dr Rasha Mohamed-Fathy Ghoneim, Egypt, in collaboration with China, is planning to construct the second-largest global monitoring station. This facility will...