GGPEN Signs MoU With RASCOM to Enhance Connectivity for African Nations.

The Angolan National Space Programme Management Office (GGPEN) has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Regional African Satellite Communications Organisation (RASCOM). This MoU aims to develop mutually beneficial partnerships for training, innovation, and research in space science and technology. Both parties will share knowledge, platforms, and applications.

The agreement was signed by Dr Zolana João, the Director General of GGPEN, and Mr Timothy Adi Ashong, the Director General of RASCOM, during the Angolan ICT and Space Conference (ANGOTIC), which is currently taking place in Luanda, Angola.

The MoU includes sharing satellite infrastructures to enhance African nations’ access to satellite services and connectivity. It also involves efforts to transfer satellite capacity in the C or Ku band from ANGOSAT-2 to the RASCOM satellite and vice versa on commercial terms.

According to the terms of the MoU, which is effective for five years with the possibility of a five-year extension, both parties have agreed to the following:

  1. Development of Telecommunications Satellite Solutions: Collaborate to improve communication infrastructures and satellite services in Africa, including connectivity and access to telecommunications, television, and broadband Internet services.
  2. Sale of Satellite Capacity: Explore opportunities for the joint resale of satellite capacity on the African continent to support improving satellite communication services.
  3. Capacity Building and Training: Jointly develop capacity-building programmes, training, and workshops to enhance knowledge in satellite technology and space-related areas among African professionals and institutions.
  4. Research and Development: Strengthen collaborative research initiatives, encourage innovation, and support projects related to satellite technology, space exploration, and applications for socio-economic development in Africa.
  5. Information Sharing: Facilitate the exchange of relevant information, knowledge, best practices, and data related to satellite communication, space science, and technology, benefiting both organisations and their stakeholders.
  6. Improved Collaboration on Projects: Work together on projects and initiatives to leverage their combined resources, knowledge, and capabilities to address critical challenges and opportunities in satellite communication and space exploration.
  7. Regulatory Cooperation: Collaborate on regulatory issues related to satellite communications and space activities in Africa, aiming to harmonise regulations with international best practices, ensure compliance, and promote a favourable environment for the industry.
  8. Public Awareness: Through educational outreach programmes, raise public awareness about the benefits and applications of satellite technology and space science in Africa.

This MoU is expected to align with the common interests of GGPEN and RASCOM, strengthening their positions and leadership in the continental and international space ecosystem. It is anticipated to contribute to economic and social development and create professional opportunities and jobs for young professionals across the continent.
