NewSpace Africa Conference 2023 to hold in April 2023 in Abidjan, Ivory Coast

Space in Africa, in collaboration with the African Union Commission and the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Côte d’Ivoire, is organising the second edition of the NewSpace Africa Conference, its second high-level conference gathering industry leaders, academia, national space agencies and other critical stakeholders to share insights and ideas for the growth and development of the African space industry. The conference will be held from 23-26 April 2023 in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire. 

Attendees will include leaders of national space agencies, the African Union Commission, NewSpace companies, representatives of national ministries of science and technology and communications, policymakers and government officials, satellite manufacturers and operators, venture capitalists and angel investors, African tech hubs, delegates from Earth observation and satellite communication organisations worldwide.

The conference aims to address the opportunities, challenges and trends in the African space and satellite industry to facilitate agenda-setting and nudge stakeholders in the direction of innovative solutions that can revolutionise the African continent for socioeconomic development, and more specifically, how to leverage private sector-led efforts for growth and influence the creation of conducive policies for the NewSpace ecosystem to make Africa a formidable space region.

With more African countries participating in space, investing in space enterprises and giving rise to the continual growth of various industry segments, the African space industry is currently valued at USD 19.49 billion in 2021 and is projected to grow by 16.16% to USD 22.64 billion by 2026. In addition, Africa is home to over 270 NewSpace companies which continue to develop space technologies and offer space-enabled services to address market demands in various sectors, including telecommunications, defence, security, maritime, aviation, mining, agriculture, environment, development, education, and health. The measurable impact of these industries’ developments points to the continent’s potential for more remarkable exploits and opportunities in the space business and an overall increase in the quality of national economies, innovations, industries and sustainability on the continent.

According to Che Bolden, President and CEO of Charles F. Bolden Group, the NewSpace Africa Conference 2022 exposed the delegates to the workings of the African space scene and many interesting ideas that various space actors have on getting into space in Africa. “It was mind-blowing to share ideas with so many high-level space actors for the growth of the African space ecosystem”, he concluded. More details on the previous edition of the NewSpace Africa Conference 2022 can be accessed here. Drawing momentum from the previous edition, the 2023 edition intends to surpass expectations.

The 4-day conference will feature selected keynotes, interactive breakout sessions, panel discussions, business pitches, B2B matchmaking, B2C matchmaking, exhibitions and unique networking opportunities. Furthermore, it aims to foster increased collaboration among African countries, commercial companies, academia and other stakeholders in the African space industry. The NewSpace Africa Conference will emphasise building new partnerships and business collaborations to advance the industry’s growth, specifically the NewSpace ecosystem.

The conference will also present an opportunity for companies, institutions and agencies to exhibit and launch their product offerings and services before a wide range of national, international and commercial space actors to present and interact with key decision-makers and new potential partners. The event will also provide for and accommodate special networking arrangements for attendees.

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